
Secondary Art Teacher - Launceston Christian School

Advertiser: Launceston Christian School

Start Date: 28/01/2025 - Closing Date: 25/10/2024

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Launce­s­ton Chris­t­ian School (TAS) is a co-edu­ca­tion­al inde­pen­dent K‑12 Chris­t­ian School which aims to pro­vide a car­ing and stim­u­lat­ing envi­ron­ment for learning. 

The school is dis­tinc­tive­ly Christ cen­tred and is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing effec­tive spir­i­tu­al, emo­tion­al, phys­i­cal and aca­d­e­m­ic sup­port for all its students.

Our Posi­tion

Sec­ondary Art Teacher

Appli­ca­tions are invit­ed from suit­ably qual­i­fied and com­mit­ted Chris­t­ian pro­fes­sion­als for the full-time posi­tion of Sec­ondary Art Teacher at our School in 2025.

Work­ing with­in a team of ded­i­cat­ed Sec­ondary School teach­ers, the suc­cess­ful appli­cant will deliv­er engag­ing and com­pli­men­ta­ry cur­ricu­lum in Year 7 — 12 Art.

Bring­ing a Chris­t­ian per­spec­tive to bear in all aspects of work, the Art Teacher is respon­si­ble for all aspects of plan­ning, prepa­ra­tion, deliv­ery and assess­ment of effec­tive teach­ing and learn­ing for every stu­dent in the allo­cat­ed class, through the following:

  • Plan and teach from a Bib­li­cal worldview.
  • Rel­e­vant knowl­edge, skills and under­stand­ing based on the Schools pub­lished cur­ricu­lum and TASC doc­u­men­ta­tion and requirements.
  • Engage with stu­dents to deliv­er a dynam­ic and chal­leng­ing Art curriculum.
  • Design learn­ing sequences that inter­est, moti­vate and extend all students.
  • Make learn­ing acces­si­ble and inclu­sive for dif­fer­ent learn­ing styles and abilities.
  • Sup­port the spir­i­tu­al and emo­tion­al growth of each student.

Posi­tion Requirements

Appli­cants will need to be:

  • Prac­tic­ing Chris­tians, active­ly involved in their local church and able to sub­scribe to the Schools Mis­sion State­ment and Edu­ca­tion­al Creed.
  • Reg­is­tered with the Tas­man­ian Teach­ers Reg­is­tra­tion Board.
  • Reg­is­tered with a cur­rent Work­ing With Vul­ner­a­ble Peo­ple (Employ­ment) Card.

Appli­ca­tion Details

Appli­ca­tion Clos­ing Date: Fri­day, 25th Octo­ber 2024

  • Ear­ly appli­ca­tions are encouraged!
  • (The review of appli­ca­tions will begin as soon as they are received and LCS reserves the right to close the selec­tion process at any time if the right can­di­date is found)

Appli­ca­tion Process

How to apply:

  • For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please con­tact our HR Admin­is­tra­tor, Vene­tia Mur­fet murfetv@​lcs.​tas.​edu.​au

IST is not an employing agency for its member schools, nor does it have any part in the selection and appointment of teachers to positions in Independent Schools. All appointments are handled entirely by the individual school. Schools should contact us to arrange for positions to be advertised on this site.

Posted on 25/09/2024

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