Privacy Policy
1. Introduction
This statement outlines the policy on how Independent Schools Tasmania Inc and Independent Schools Block Grant Authority of Tasmania Proprietary Limited (collectively referred to as IST) will collect, use, manage and disclose personal information. It applies to all personal information provided to or collected by IST. Personal information is information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is known or can be reasonably ascertained from the material. IST is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) (Privacy Act), as amended.
The APPs are designed to protect the privacy of individuals by regulating the way personal information is managed. IST may, from time to time, review and update this policy to take account of new legislation and technology, as well as changes to its operations and practices, and the changing business environment.
2. Information Collected by IST
IST will only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to IST’s activities or functions, or to which you have consented.
The type of information IST collects and holds includes (but is not limited to), personal information about Member School staff and Governors, students, job applicants, IST staff members, volunteers, consultants, contractors, customers, suppliers and other people who come into contact with IST.
Such personal information may include your:
- full name
- address(es)
- contact details, including telephone numbers and email addresses
- photograph
- date of birth
- gender
- academic results
- academic record
- disciplinary record
- bank account details
- tax file numbers for Commonwealth supported students
- visa information for overseas students
- emergency contact details.
Exception in relation to Employee Records
The APPs and this policy do not apply to IST’s treatment of IST’s employee records where the treatment is directly related to a current or former employment relationship between IST and the employee.
3. How IST Collects Personal information
IST may collect personal information about you in the following ways:
- by forms filled out and submitted to IST by you (including online registration)
- by emails
- in face-to-face meetings and interviews
- in telephone calls
- from third party disclosures, including student data from schools and government agencies, or a referral or reference from a school or educational organisation.
4. Your Obligations when you Provide us with the Personal Information of Others
You must not provide IST with personal information of any other individual unless you have the express consent of that individual to do so. If you do provide IST with such information about another individual, before doing so, you:
- must tell that individual that you will be providing their information to IST and that IST will handle their information in accordance with this policy
- must provide that individual with a copy of (or refer them to) this policy
- warrant that you have that individual’s consent to provide their information to IST.
5. Use of Personal Information
IST will only use personal information it collects for the primary purpose of that collection, and for such other secondary purposes that are related to the primary purpose of that collection and are reasonably expected by you or to which you have consented.
If you are a student, the primary purpose of collecting your personal information is to:
- enable IST to assess applications for funding or other program activities (IST may not be able to assess your eligibility for funding, services or other support if it does not have the relevant personal information)
- provide educational services to you
- to seek feedback, or monitor, or improve the quality of IST’s services.
Job Applicants
If you are a job applicant the primary purpose of collecting your personal information is to assess your application and, if successful, to engage you as an employee, staff member, consultant or contractor.
IST Staff Members, Consultants and Contractors
If you are a staff member, consultant or contractor, the primary purpose of collecting your personal information is:
- to administer your employment or contract
- for insurance purposes
- to provide information to Member Schools
- to satisfy IST’s legal requirements.
Member School staff and Governors
If you are a Member School staff member or Governor, IST’s primary purpose of collecting your personal information is to provide services to Member Schools, including:
- the provision of information
- professional learning
- administration of programs
- representation and advocacy
- the promotion of Independent schools to the public.
6. Sensitive Information
In referring to ‘sensitive information’, IST means information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional membership, sexual preferences or criminal record, that is also personal information; and health information about an individual.
Sensitive information will only be used and disclosed by IST for the purpose for which it was provided by you or a directly related secondary purpose, unless you provide consent to another secondary use or disclosure, or where the use or disclosure of that sensitive information is allowed by law.
7. Disclosure of your Personal Information
IST may disclose personal information held about you to:
- Member Schools
- government departments and education authorities
- IST’s service providers and contractors
- recipients of IST publications e.g. newsletters.
IST will not disclose your personal information to any other third party unless one of the following applies:
- you have consented
- you would reasonably expect, or you have been told, that information of that kind is usually disclosed to that party
- IST believes, in its absolute discretion, it is in the public interest
- it is required or authorised by law
- it will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s life or health.
In certain circumstances, IST may share de-personalised aggregated data with third parties to meet its commitments as a service provider to Member Schools and their students. Nothing in this privacy policy prevents IST from using and disclosing de-personalised aggregated data to others.
8. Overseas Disclosure
From time to time, for the purpose of carrying out IST’s functions and activities, IST may need to disclose personal information to third parties who are located in countries outside of Australia (overseas recipient). Such information will only be disclosed with your consent and in accordance with the APPs.
9. Management and Security of Personal Information
IST takes all reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse, loss, interference, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. However, IST will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access of your personal information.
Some of the measures IST implements to protect the integrity of your personal information include:
- locked storage of paper records
- password protected access to all systems and information
- segregated user access to information across all IT systems
- constantly monitored IT systems
- retention of audit records to demonstrate access to systems and information
- full data recovery capability including off site backup
- up-to-date patching of system vulnerabilities as they become known.
Your personal information will be retained for only as long as it is needed and it will then be disposed of lawfully and securely.
10. Updating Personal Information
IST endeavours to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You have a right to access your personal information held by IST and to seek corrections to this information, subject to exceptions in the Privacy Act.
Please let IST know as soon as possible if there are any changes to your personal information or if you believe the personal information IST holds about you is not accurate, complete or up-to-date.
To make a request to access your personal information held by IST or to update your personal information, contact IST in writing at the address below.
11. How to Make a Complaint
If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of this policy or the APPs, you can contact IST using the contact details below. You will need to provide IST with sufficient details regarding your complaint, together with any supporting evidence and information.
IST will investigate the issue and determine the steps (if any) that IST will undertake to resolve your complaint. IST will contact you if it requires any additional information and will notify you in writing of the outcome of the investigation.
If you are not satisfied with our determination, you can contact IST to discuss your concerns or contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner via www.oaic.gov.au.
12. How to Contact IST
If you have any questions, comments or complaints, about this policy or its implementation, or requests to access or update your personal information please contact IST at:
Address: Level 3⁄33 Salamanca Place, Hobart, TAS 7000
Email: admin@ist.tas.edu.au
IST may amend this policy from time to time. If it does, the amended policy will be available at https://independentschools.tas.edu.au/
Revised: October 2022