Privacy Policy

1. Intro­duc­tion

This state­ment out­lines the pol­i­cy on how Inde­pen­dent Schools Tas­ma­nia Inc and Inde­pen­dent Schools Block Grant Author­i­ty of Tas­ma­nia Pro­pri­etary Lim­it­ed (col­lec­tive­ly referred to as IST) will col­lect, use, man­age and dis­close per­son­al infor­ma­tion. It applies to all per­son­al infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed to or col­lect­ed by IST. Per­son­al infor­ma­tion is infor­ma­tion or an opin­ion about an indi­vid­ual whose iden­ti­ty is known or can be rea­son­ably ascer­tained from the mate­r­i­al. IST is bound by the Aus­tralian Pri­va­cy Prin­ci­ples (APPs) set out in the Pri­va­cy Act 1988 (Cth.) (Pri­va­cy Act), as amended. 

The APPs are designed to pro­tect the pri­va­cy of indi­vid­u­als by reg­u­lat­ing the way per­son­al infor­ma­tion is man­aged. IST may, from time to time, review and update this pol­i­cy to take account of new leg­is­la­tion and tech­nol­o­gy, as well as changes to its oper­a­tions and prac­tices, and the chang­ing busi­ness environment. 

2. Infor­ma­tion Col­lect­ed by IST 

IST will only col­lect per­son­al infor­ma­tion that is rea­son­ably nec­es­sary for, or direct­ly relat­ed to IST’s activ­i­ties or func­tions, or to which you have consented. 

The type of infor­ma­tion IST col­lects and holds includes (but is not lim­it­ed to), per­son­al infor­ma­tion about Mem­ber School staff and Gov­er­nors, stu­dents, job appli­cants, IST staff mem­bers, vol­un­teers, con­sul­tants, con­trac­tors, cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers and oth­er peo­ple who come into con­tact with IST

Such per­son­al infor­ma­tion may include your: 

  • full name
  • address(es)
  • con­tact details, includ­ing tele­phone num­bers and email addresses 
  • pho­to­graph
  • date of birth 
  • gen­der
  • aca­d­e­m­ic results 
  • aca­d­e­m­ic record 
  • dis­ci­pli­nary record 
  • bank account details 
  • tax file num­bers for Com­mon­wealth sup­port­ed students 
  • visa infor­ma­tion for over­seas students 
  • emer­gency con­tact details. 

Excep­tion in rela­tion to Employ­ee Records 

The APPs and this pol­i­cy do not apply to IST’s treat­ment of IST’s employ­ee records where the treat­ment is direct­ly relat­ed to a cur­rent or for­mer employ­ment rela­tion­ship between IST and the employee. 

3. How IST Col­lects Per­son­al information 

IST may col­lect per­son­al infor­ma­tion about you in the fol­low­ing ways: 

  • by forms filled out and sub­mit­ted to IST by you (includ­ing online registration) 
  • by emails
  • in face-to-face meet­ings and interviews 
  • in tele­phone calls 
  • from third par­ty dis­clo­sures, includ­ing stu­dent data from schools and gov­ern­ment agen­cies, or a refer­ral or ref­er­ence from a school or edu­ca­tion­al organisation. 
4. Your Oblig­a­tions when you Pro­vide us with the Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion of Others 

You must not pro­vide IST with per­son­al infor­ma­tion of any oth­er indi­vid­ual unless you have the express con­sent of that indi­vid­ual to do so. If you do pro­vide IST with such infor­ma­tion about anoth­er indi­vid­ual, before doing so, you: 

  • must tell that indi­vid­ual that you will be pro­vid­ing their infor­ma­tion to IST and that IST will han­dle their infor­ma­tion in accor­dance with this policy 
  • must pro­vide that indi­vid­ual with a copy of (or refer them to) this policy 
  • war­rant that you have that individual’s con­sent to pro­vide their infor­ma­tion to IST
5. Use of Per­son­al Information 

IST will only use per­son­al infor­ma­tion it col­lects for the pri­ma­ry pur­pose of that col­lec­tion, and for such oth­er sec­ondary pur­pos­es that are relat­ed to the pri­ma­ry pur­pose of that col­lec­tion and are rea­son­ably expect­ed by you or to which you have consented. 


If you are a stu­dent, the pri­ma­ry pur­pose of col­lect­ing your per­son­al infor­ma­tion is to: 

  • enable IST to assess appli­ca­tions for fund­ing or oth­er pro­gram activ­i­ties (IST may not be able to assess your eli­gi­bil­i­ty for fund­ing, ser­vices or oth­er sup­port if it does not have the rel­e­vant per­son­al information) 
  • pro­vide edu­ca­tion­al ser­vices to you 
  • to seek feed­back, or mon­i­tor, or improve the qual­i­ty of IST’s services. 

Job Appli­cants

If you are a job appli­cant the pri­ma­ry pur­pose of col­lect­ing your per­son­al infor­ma­tion is to assess your appli­ca­tion and, if suc­cess­ful, to engage you as an employ­ee, staff mem­ber, con­sul­tant or contractor. 

IST Staff Mem­bers, Con­sul­tants and Contractors 

If you are a staff mem­ber, con­sul­tant or con­trac­tor, the pri­ma­ry pur­pose of col­lect­ing your per­son­al infor­ma­tion is: 

  • to admin­is­ter your employ­ment or contract 
  • for insur­ance purposes 
  • to pro­vide infor­ma­tion to Mem­ber Schools 
  • to sat­is­fy IST’s legal requirements. 

Mem­ber School staff and Governors 

If you are a Mem­ber School staff mem­ber or Gov­er­nor, IST’s pri­ma­ry pur­pose of col­lect­ing your per­son­al infor­ma­tion is to pro­vide ser­vices to Mem­ber Schools, including: 

  • the pro­vi­sion of information 
  • pro­fes­sion­al learning 
  • admin­is­tra­tion of programs 
  • rep­re­sen­ta­tion and advocacy 
  • the pro­mo­tion of Inde­pen­dent schools to the public. 
6. Sen­si­tive Information 

In refer­ring to sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion’, IST means infor­ma­tion relat­ing to a person’s racial or eth­nic ori­gins, polit­i­cal opin­ions, reli­gion, trade union or oth­er pro­fes­sion­al mem­ber­ship, sex­u­al pref­er­ences or crim­i­nal record, that is also per­son­al infor­ma­tion; and health infor­ma­tion about an individual. 

Sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion will only be used and dis­closed by IST for the pur­pose for which it was pro­vid­ed by you or a direct­ly relat­ed sec­ondary pur­pose, unless you pro­vide con­sent to anoth­er sec­ondary use or dis­clo­sure, or where the use or dis­clo­sure of that sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion is allowed by law. 

7. Dis­clo­sure of your Per­son­al Information 

IST may dis­close per­son­al infor­ma­tion held about you to: 

  • Mem­ber Schools 
  • gov­ern­ment depart­ments and edu­ca­tion authorities 
  • IST’s ser­vice providers and contractors 
  • recip­i­ents of IST pub­li­ca­tions e.g. newsletters. 

IST will not dis­close your per­son­al infor­ma­tion to any oth­er third par­ty unless one of the fol­low­ing applies: 

  • you have consented 
  • you would rea­son­ably expect, or you have been told, that infor­ma­tion of that kind is usu­al­ly dis­closed to that party 
  • IST believes, in its absolute dis­cre­tion, it is in the pub­lic interest 
  • it is required or autho­rised by law 
  • it will pre­vent or lessen a seri­ous and immi­nent threat to somebody’s life or health. 

In cer­tain cir­cum­stances, IST may share de-per­son­alised aggre­gat­ed data with third par­ties to meet its com­mit­ments as a ser­vice provider to Mem­ber Schools and their stu­dents. Noth­ing in this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy pre­vents IST from using and dis­clos­ing de-per­son­alised aggre­gat­ed data to others. 

8. Over­seas Disclosure 

From time to time, for the pur­pose of car­ry­ing out IST’s func­tions and activ­i­ties, IST may need to dis­close per­son­al infor­ma­tion to third par­ties who are locat­ed in coun­tries out­side of Aus­tralia (over­seas recip­i­ent). Such infor­ma­tion will only be dis­closed with your con­sent and in accor­dance with the APPs. 

9. Man­age­ment and Secu­ri­ty of Per­son­al Information 

IST takes all rea­son­able steps to pro­tect the per­son­al infor­ma­tion it holds from mis­use, loss, inter­fer­ence, unau­tho­rised access, mod­i­fi­ca­tion or dis­clo­sure. How­ev­er, IST will not be held respon­si­ble for events aris­ing from unau­tho­rised access of your per­son­al information. 

Some of the mea­sures IST imple­ments to pro­tect the integri­ty of your per­son­al infor­ma­tion include: 

  • locked stor­age of paper records 
  • pass­word pro­tect­ed access to all sys­tems and information 
  • seg­re­gat­ed user access to infor­ma­tion across all IT systems 
  • con­stant­ly mon­i­tored IT systems 
  • reten­tion of audit records to demon­strate access to sys­tems and information 
  • full data recov­ery capa­bil­i­ty includ­ing off site backup 
  • up-to-date patch­ing of sys­tem vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties as they become known. 

Your per­son­al infor­ma­tion will be retained for only as long as it is need­ed and it will then be dis­posed of law­ful­ly and securely. 

10. Updat­ing Per­son­al Information 

IST endeav­ours to ensure that the per­son­al infor­ma­tion it holds is accu­rate, com­plete and up-to-date. You have a right to access your per­son­al infor­ma­tion held by IST and to seek cor­rec­tions to this infor­ma­tion, sub­ject to excep­tions in the Pri­va­cy Act. 

Please let IST know as soon as pos­si­ble if there are any changes to your per­son­al infor­ma­tion or if you believe the per­son­al infor­ma­tion IST holds about you is not accu­rate, com­plete or up-to-date. 

To make a request to access your per­son­al infor­ma­tion held by IST or to update your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, con­tact IST in writ­ing at the address below. 

11. How to Make a Complaint 

If you wish to make a com­plaint about a breach of this pol­i­cy or the APPs, you can con­tact IST using the con­tact details below. You will need to pro­vide IST with suf­fi­cient details regard­ing your com­plaint, togeth­er with any sup­port­ing evi­dence and information. 

IST will inves­ti­gate the issue and deter­mine the steps (if any) that IST will under­take to resolve your com­plaint. IST will con­tact you if it requires any addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion and will noti­fy you in writ­ing of the out­come of the investigation. 

If you are not sat­is­fied with our deter­mi­na­tion, you can con­tact IST to dis­cuss your con­cerns or con­tact the Aus­tralian Pri­va­cy Com­mis­sion­er via www​.oaic​.gov​.au

12. How to Con­tact IST 

If you have any ques­tions, com­ments or com­plaints, about this pol­i­cy or its imple­men­ta­tion, or requests to access or update your per­son­al infor­ma­tion please con­tact IST at: 

Address: Lev­el 333 Sala­man­ca Place, Hobart, TAS 7000
Email: admin@​ist.​tas.​edu.​au

IST may amend this pol­i­cy from time to time. If it does, the amend­ed pol­i­cy will be avail­able at https://​inde​pen​dentschools​.tas​.edu​.au/ 

Revised: Octo­ber 2022 

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