Independent Schools
What is an Independent School?
Independent schools are a diverse group of non-government schools serving a range of different communities. Many Independent schools provide a religious or values-based education. Others promote a particular educational philosophy or interpretation of mainstream education.

The over 10,000 students that attend independent schools in Tasmania come from a wide range of backgrounds. As a sector, independent schools provide an education for all students, and serve a diverse range of communities.
Tasmanian independent schools include:
- Schools affiliated with Christian denominations, for example Anglican, Quaker, Lutheran, Uniting Church, Seventh Day Adventist and Presbyterian
- Non-denominational Christian schools
- Steiner schools
- Schools with unique educational philosophies
- Schools that specialise in meeting the needs of students with identified needs
- Schools that cater for students at severe educational risk due to a range of social/emotional/behavioural and other risk factors (Special Assistance Schools)
Independent Schools serve a diverse range of communities across Tasmania
Value of Independent Schools
Independent schools enjoy an excellent reputation within the Australian schooling system. They are known for their sound leadership, quality education and innovation.

Independent schools serve a diverse range of communities and each vary in terms of the communities they serve, alongside their size and student population. Diversity is a key feature and strength of the independent schooling system, and this diversity is celebrated in a unique way within each school context.
Independent schools are in both city and rural areas and feature small and large day schools and boarding schools, alongside co-educational and single-sex schools. They are set up and governed on an individual school basis and are answerable to their own governing board or management committee.
Despite COVID-19 the Tasmanian Independent sector has experienced an average annual growth in students of 2.5% over the last 5 years.
Academic Outcomes
Independent Schools enjoy an excellent reputation and are sought after for their academic outcomes for students. Their depth and breadth of academic offerings ensure students are given the optimal environment in which to learn.

In 2021, 41 TCE students from independent schools achieved a Tertiary Entrance Score (TER) in the top 100 of Tasmanian TCE students. Of the 683 Year 12 students at Tasmanian independent schools, 90.8% achieved the TCE (compared to 79.7% in all school sectors) and 74% achieved an ATAR (compared to 45% in all school sectors). However, independent schools are also recognised for their pastoral care for students and for developing social and citizenship skills.
In 2021, Tasmanian independent schools employed 972 full time equivalent (FTE) teachers and 633 FTE other staff. The student to teaching staff ratio in Tasmanian independent schools was 12.5 for primary (compared to 13.7 government schools and 15.6 Catholic schools) and 9.5 for secondary (compared to 12 government schools and 11.7 Catholic schools).