IST Leadership Retreat - Day 1
Area of focus
10:00 am - 4:30 pm Mon 12th May 2025
Hotel Grand Chancellor, 1 Davey St, Hobart
Who should attend
- Board Members.
- Business Managers.
- Leadership Teams.
- Principals.
Who is speaking
This two day event will focus on understanding and developing resilient qualities in individual leaders, as well as leadership teams.
About Our Guest Speaker
PeopleBench is a school workforce improvement company. Through our online platform, our Community of Practice, and our advisory services, we’re helping schools to Build Better School Workforces.
Day 1: 10:00am - 4:30pm on 12 May 2025.
Day 2: 9:00am - 1:00 pm on 13 May 2025.
Registering for this PL Series
Register for this series by using the green register button on THIS PAGE.
Please Note: You DO NOT need to register separately for the subsequent session.
The registration fee is for BOTH sessions.
Important information
- Event Cost: $520
- Includes dinner.
- Event Registration & Cancellation Deadline:
- Register or cancel by: 05 MAY 2025.