About Us
Independent Schools Tasmania is an association of independent schools within the state who together educate over 10,000 students. Each independent school is fully autonomous and separately accountable to its parents and community. We promote freedom of choice and diversity in education to support the needs of each individual student.
Our Purpose
To provide support, advocacy and representation for the independent schools of Tasmania.
Our Values
Services We Offer
Professional Learning
The consulting team at IST offer a range of Professional Learning options, catered specifically for your school or region. The Professional Learning opportunities include (but are not limited to) areas such as curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and differentiation; school culture, educational leadership, building teacher capacity and reviewing school data.
Professional Learning can be delivered via:
- One-on-one coaching and follow up coaching sessions and support
- A small group of your colleagues from your school
- Whole staff single school sessions
- Multiple small/whole group school sessions across the term/year
- Webinars
To arrange your bespoke professional learning sessions, please contact the consultants via our contact page.
Each year we also run a wide range of webinar based PL opportunities. They can be accessed through the events page.
Grant Administration
IST administers and distributes grants to Tasmanian independent schools for a number of government funding programs.
These include:
- The Choice and Affordability Fund (CAF)
- The Australian Government Capital Grants Program (CGP)
- The State Capital Assistance program (SBGA)
- The Loan Interest Subsidy program (LIS)
- The National School Chaplaincy program (NSCP)
- The Special Learning Needs program (SLN)
- Early Childhood and Kindergarten funding (ECD)
- The State COVID Safe Schools funding (COVID)
To discuss this further contact our Finance and Admin Manager.
Our Team
Our Executive Director

Tony Crehan has been the Executive Director of Independent Schools Tasmania since 2003. He is a strong advocate for choice, diversity and equity in education to best meet the needs of every child. Tony came to IST with extensive business experience as a management consultant and CEO, director and chairman of public and private companies. In his time with IST, Tony has overseen the provision of an expanding range of programs and services that assist schools with new ways of adapting to the challenges of modern education. The IST Executive Director is also a director of Independent Schools Australia (ISA)
Our Board
John Green
Council Member
Tarremah Steiner School
David Grey
Business Manager
Leighland Christian School
Meg Lawson
Board Member
Fahan School
David Gillman
Board Member
Chief Executive Officer
Christian Schools Tasmania
Leonie McNair
Vice President
The Launceston Preparatory School
David Gillman
Board Member
Chief Executive Officer
Christian Schools Tasmania
Hilary Purdie
Board Member
The Cottage School